The inaugural Wisconsin Cryptids, Anomalies, and Paranormal Convention’s goal is to bring speakers, vendors, workshops, gallery readings, expeditions and investigations together for like minded people to come, share knowledge, learn, shop and experience all aspects of the world of the unknown that surrounds us all.
Friday night: VIP meet and greet dinner and bigfoot expedition in North Central Wisconsin
- Barnaby Jones, Miranda Young, Scot & Hannah Violette, Stacy Brown Jr.
Saturday: Vendors, Speakers, Bigfoot Documentary, Psychic Gallery Reading
- SPEAKERS: Chad Lewis, Barnaby Jones, Rick & Barbara Post, Keg, Miranda Young, Stacy Brown Jr., Scot and Hannah Violette, Angela Zabel (Galley Reading)
Sunday: Paranormal Investigations at Gainor's Tavern (Beansnappers)
- Barnaby Jones, Angela Zabel, Keg, Scot & Hannah
Limited discount hotel rooms are available: Grab yours here